Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Functional Molecular Transistor

Site of the day: http://molecularstation.com/

Nearly 62 years after researchers at Bell Labs demonstrated the first functional transistor, scientists say they have made another major breakthrough.

Researchers showed the first functional transistor made from a single molecule. The transistor, which has a benzene molecule attached to gold contacts, could behave just like a silicon transistor.

The molecule’s different energy states can be manipulated by varying the voltage applied to it through the contacts. And by manipulating the energy states, researchers were able to control the current passing through it.

The transistor, or semiconductor device that can amplify or switch electrical signals, was first developed to replace vacuum tubes. On Dec. 23, 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain (who’d built on research by colleague William Shockley) showed a working transistor that was the culmination of more than a decade’s worth of effort.

Vacuum tubes were bulky and unreliable, and they consumed too much power. Silicon transistors addressed those problems and ushered in an era of compact, portable electronics. Now molecular transistors could escalate the next step of developing nanomachines that would take just a few atoms to perform complex calculations, enabling massive parallel computers to be built.

The team, which includes researchers from Yale University and the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea, published their findings in the Dec. 24 issue of the journal Nature.
For about two decades — since Mark Reed, a professor of engineering and applied science at Yale, showed that individual molecules could be trapped between electrical contacts — researchers have been trying to create a functional molecular transistor.

Some of the challenges they have faced include being able to fabricate the electrical contacts on such small scales, identifying the molecules to use, and figuring out where to place them and how to connect them to the contacts.

“There were a lot of technological advances and understanding we built up over many years to make this happen,” says Reed.

Despite the significance of the latest breakthrough, practical applications such as smaller and faster molecular computers could be decades away, says Reed.

“We’re not about to create the next generation of integrated circuits,” he says. “But after many years of work gearing up to this, we have fulfilled a decade-long quest and shown that molecules can act as transistors.”

Photo: A benzene molecule can be manipulated to act as a traditional transistorCourtesy: Hyunwook Song and Takhee Lee

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cyanobacterium Produces Liquid Fuel From Sun Power

Site of the day: http://www.wired.com/

Global climate change has prompted efforts to drastically reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas produced by burning fossil fuels.
In a new approach, researchers from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have genetically modified a cyanobacterium to consume carbon dioxide and produce the liquid fuel isobutanol, which holds great potential as a gasoline alternative. The reaction is powered directly by energy from sunlight, through photosynthesis.
The research appears in the Dec. 9 print edition of the journal Nature Biotechnology and is available online.
This new method has two advantages for the long-term, global-scale goal of achieving a cleaner and greener energy economy, the researchers say. First, it recycles carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. Second, it uses solar energy to convert the carbon dioxide into a liquid fuel that can be used in the existing energy infrastructure, including in most automobiles.
If this can ever be done cheaply it would provide a much bigger advantage: to ease our adjustment to Peak Oil. If some scientists and engineers can find a way to use sun power to drive a liquid fuel economy then we could maintain our current level of mobility post-peak as world oil production goes into long term decline.
Using the cyanobacterium Synechoccus elongatus, researchers first genetically increased the quantity of the carbon dioxide–fixing enzyme RuBisCO. Then they spliced genes from other microorganisms to engineer a strain that intakes carbon dioxide and sunlight and produces isobutyraldehyde gas.
The isobutyraldehyde gets separated easily in gaseous form and they then chemically convert isobutyraldehyde to isobutanol.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mimicking Nature, Scientists Can Now Extend Redox Potentials

Tuning redox potentials of a protein for energy conversions. A combination of water-repelling hydrophobicity (shown in red sphere) and hydrogen bonding interactions (shown in dotted orange lines) can fine-tune the redox potential of copper ion (shown in blue) in azurin in a wide range. (Credit: Graphic courtesy of Yi Lu)

Site of the day: http://www.wired.com/

From rusting iron to forest fires to the beating of a human heart, oxidation-reduction reactions, which transfer electrons from one atom to another, are at the heart of many chemical and biological processes. Each process requires a particular redox potential, just as different electronic devices can require their own special battery.

How nature fine-tunes these potentials over a broad range with little change to the protein's electron-transfer properties or efficiency has largely remained a mystery.

Now, a team led by University of Illinois chemistry professor Yi Lu has unearthed nature's secret, and has utilized it to their advantage. The researchers describe their work in a paper to appear in the Nov. 5 issue of the journal Nature. "We show that two important interactions, hydrophobicity (water repelling) and hydrogen bonding, are capable of fine-tuning the reduction potential of a particular class of copper-containing proteins called cupredoxins," Lu said. "We extended the range both above and below what had previously been found in nature."

Lu, graduate student and lead author Nicholas M. Marshall, and their collaborators also show that the effects of hydrophobicity and hydrogen bonding are additive, which offers additional control and extends the range of redox (short for oxidation-reduction reaction) potentials beyond what nature, by itself, provides.

Previously, to cover a wide potential range, scientists had to use several different redox agents in conjunction. This made it difficult, if not impossible, to tune the redox potentials without changing other electron transfer properties or the efficiency.

Also, stable, water-soluble redox agents are rare, Lu said, and those that are available have a limited potential range. "Consequently, there is a huge demand for efficient, water-soluble redox agents with a wide potential range for environmentally friendly aqueous or biochemical studies," he said.

To unlock nature's secret, Lu's team studied the behavior of the cupredoxin, azurin. Cupredoxins are redox-active copper proteins that play crucial roles in many important processes, such as photosynthesis and cell signaling. Cupredoxins use a single redox-active center, whose reduction potential is tunable without compromising the structure and electron transfer properties of the protein.

The researchers found that two interactions -- hydrophobicity and hydrogen bonding -- can selectively raise or lower azurin's redox potential. The interactions occur not in the metalloprotein's innermost, primary core, but in a secondary sphere that surrounds the primary core.

Increasing the hydrophobicity in the secondary sphere can significantly increase the redox potential, the researchers report. The more this secondary region repels water, the more the overall charge on the copper ion becomes destabilized and the higher the potential becomes.

The effect of the hydrogen bonding interaction is subtler than the effect of hydrophobicity, Lu said. Hydrogen bonding can either increase or decrease electron densities around a residue that binds the copper ion in azurin, making the copper ion either easier or harder to reduce and thus slightly changing the redox potential.

"This was nature's secret," Lu said. "That by adjusting the hydrophobicity and the hydrogen bonding, we can raise or lower the redox potential, without changing the protein's electron-transfer properties or decreasing the protein's efficiency."

The result is a tailor-made redox agent that can be set with a very high potential, a very low potential, or with a potential somewhere in between.

"This unprecedented level of control over an electron-transfer protein was achieved by mapping out the major interactions," Lu said, "an approach that may apply to other redox proteins of interest, as well."

Lu is affiliated with the university's Beckman Institute, the departments of biochemistry, bioengineering, and materials science and engineering, the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, and the Center of Biophysics and Computational Biology. The National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health funded the work.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

New retinal implant developed

Site of the day: http://molecularstation.com/

Stimulating sight: New retinal implant developed

Inspired by the success of that can restore hearing to some deaf people, researchers at MIT are working on a retinal implant that could one day help blind people regain a useful level of vision.

The implant is designed for people who have lost their vision from retinitis pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration, two of the leading causes of . The retinal prosthesis would take over the function of lost retinal cells by electrically stimulating the that normally carry visual input from the retina to the brain.

Such a chip would not restore normal vision but it could help blind people more easily navigate a room or walk down a sidewalk.

"Anything that could help them see a little better and let them identify objects and move around a room would be an enormous help," says Shawn Kelly, a researcher in MIT's Research Laboratory for Electronics and member of the Boston Retinal Implant Project.
The research team, which includes scientists, engineers and ophthalmologists from Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, the Boston VA Medical Center and Cornell as well as MIT, has been working on the retinal implant for 20 years. The research is funded by the VA Center for Innovative Visual Rehabilitation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Catalyst Foundation and the MOSIS microchip fabrication service.
Led by John Wyatt, MIT professor of electrical engineering, the team recently reported a new prototype that they hope to start testing in blind patients within the next three years.
Electrical stimulation

Patients who received the implant would wear a pair of glasses with a camera that sends images to a microchip attached to the eyeball. The glasses also contain a coil that wirelessly transmits power to receiving coils surrounding the eyeball.

When the microchip receives visual information, it activates electrodes that stimulate nerve cells in the areas of the retina corresponding to the features of the visual scene. The electrodes directly activate optical nerves that carry signals to the brain, bypassing the damaged layers of retina.
One question that remains is what kind of vision this direct electrical stimulation actually produces. About 10 years ago, the research team started to answer that by attaching electrodes to the retinas of six blind patients for several hours.

When the electrodes were activated, patients reported seeing a small number of "clouds" or "drops of blood" in their field of vision, and the number of clouds or blood drops they reported corresponded to the number of electrodes that were stimulated. When there was no stimulus, patients accurately reported seeing nothing. Those tests confirmed that retinal stimulation can produce some kind of organized vision in blind patients, though further testing is needed to determine how useful that vision can be.

After those initial tests, with grants from the Boston Veteran's Administration Medical Center and the National Institutes of Health, the researchers started to build an implantable chip, which would allow them to do more long-term tests. Their goal is to produce a chip that can be implanted for at least 10 years.

One of the biggest challenges the researchers face is designing a surgical procedure and implant that won't damage the eye. In their initial prototypes, the electrodes were attached directly atop the retina from inside the eye, which carries more risk of damaging the delicate retina. In the latest version, described in the October issue of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, the implant is attached to the outside of the eye, and the electrodes are implanted behind the retina.

That subretinal location, which reduces the risk of tearing the retina and requires a less invasive surgical procedure, is one of the key differences between the MIT implant and retinal prostheses being developed by other research groups.

Another feature of the new MIT prototype is that the chip is now contained in a hermetically sealed titanium case. Previous versions were encased in silicone, which would eventually allow water to seep in and damage the circuitry.

While they have not yet begun any long-term tests on humans, the researchers have tested the device in Yucatan miniature pigs, which have roughly the same size eyeballs as humans. Those tests are only meant to determine whether the implants remain functional and safe and are not designed to observe whether the pigs respond to stimuli to their optic nerves.
So far, the prototypes have been successfully implanted in pigs for up to 10 months, but further safety refinements need to be made before clinical trials in humans can begin.
Wyatt and Kelly say they hope that once human trials begin and blind patients can offer feedback on what they're seeing, they will learn much more about how to configure the algorithm implemented by the chip to produce useful vision.

Patients have told them that what they would like most is the ability to recognize faces. "If they can recognize faces of people in a room, that brings them into the social environment as opposed to sitting there waiting for someone to talk to them," says Kelly.

More information: “Development and Implantation of a Minimally Invasive Wireless Subretinal Neurostimulator,” Douglas Shire, Joseph Rizzo, et al. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, October 2009


Boston Retinal Implant Project:


Second Sight:


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Salamander Discovery Could Lead to Human Limb Regeneration

An article from wired.com

By tracking individual cells in genetically modified salamanders, researchers have found an unexpected explanation for their seemingly magical ability to regrow lost limbs.

Rather than having their cellular clocks fully reset and reverting to an embryonic state, cells in the salamanders’ stumps became slightly less mature versions of the cells they’d been before. The findings could inspire research into human tissue regeneration.

“The cells don’t have to step as far back as we thought they had to, in order to regenerate a complicated thing like a limb,” said study co-author Elly Tanaka, a Max Planck Institute cell biologist. “There’s a higher chance that human or mammalian cells can be induced into doing the same thing.”

Thinkers from Aristotle to Voltaire and Charles Darwin have been fascinated by salamander regeneration, though they barely understood it. (Aristotle even confused salamanders with snakes, attributing to the latter the power of growing new eyes.) But only in the last few decades have scientists been able to study the phenomenon at high resolution.

They found that salamander regeneration begins when a clump of cells called a blastema forms at the tip of a lost limb. From the blastema come skin, muscle, bone, blood vessels and neurons, ultimately growing into a limb virtually identical to the old one.

Researchers, many of whom hoped their findings could someday be used to heal people, hypothesized that as cells joined blastemas, they “de-differentiated” and became pluripotent — able to become any type of tissue. Embryonic stem cells are also pluripotent, as are cells that have been genetically reprogrammed through a process called induced pluripotency.

Such cells have raised hopes of replacing lost or diseased tissue. They’re also difficult to control and prone to turning cancerous. These problems may well be the inevitable growing pains of early-stage research, but could also represent more fundamental limits in cellular plasticity.
If Tanaka’s right that blastema cells don’t become pluripotent, then the findings raise another possibility — not just for salamanders, but for people. Rather than pushing cellular limits, perhaps researchers could work within nature’s parameters.

“People working on stem cells are trying to de-differentiate cells in an artifical fashion,” said Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute stem cell biologist who was not involved in the study. “It will be very important for the regenerative-medicine community to take stock of what’s going on in the salamander, because they’ve been doing it for 360 million years, and found a natural way to de-differentiate their tissues.”

Having first added a gene that makes a fluorescent protein into the genomes of axolotl salamanders, Tanaka’s team removed from their eggs the cells that would eventually become legs. They fused the cells into new eggs; when these matured into adult salamanders, cells in their legs glowed under a microscope.

After the researchers amputated their salamanders’ legs, the legs regrew. Cells in the new legs also contained the fluorescent protein and glowed under a microscope, so the scientists could watch blastemas form and legs regrow in cell-by-cell detail.
Contrary to expectation, skin cells that joined the blastema later divided into skin cells. Muscle became muscle. Cartilage became cartilage. Only cells from just beneath the skin could become more than one cell type.

“People didn’t know if the salamanders were special because they forced adult tissues to become pluripotent, and whether we should look for factors that did that — or if, as we find now, we actually shouldn’t try to force cells back to a pluripotent state,” said Tanaka.

Whether this striking absence of pluripotency is universal is still unknown. The experiment needs to be replicated independently in other salamander species.

Experiments underlying the pluripotency hypothesis “have been reproduced by multiple labs,” said Sánchez Alvarado. “There’s clearly something to them. But the results from Elly’s lab seem solid. There’s clearly a paradox here.”

According to Sánchez Alvarado, those earlier experiments labeled cells with dyes that may have bled into other cells, creating the illusion of pluripotency. It’s also possible that the axolotl’s mechanisms are different from other salamanders.
If Tanaka’s findings hold, they suggest a relatively new avenue for stem cell research. Bodies might find it easier to accept cells that have been only partially reprogrammed, like those in the axolotl’s blastema, than embryonic or fully reprogrammed cells.

“The salamanders are dialing the timeline back a few steps,” he said. “They don’t go all the way back and ask a cell to catch up,” said Sánchez Alvarado.

This approach has shown promise in the lab of Harvard Stem Cell Institute co-director Douglas Melton, who last year used partial reprogramming on pancreas cells that subsequently formed other pancreas cell types.

“This represents a parallel approach for how to make cells in regenerative medicine,” said Melton at the time. “If you’ve got extra cells of one type and need another, why go all the way back to a stem cell?”

Tanaka next hopes to decipher the genetic instructions governing blastema formation. But however the pluripotency–versus–partial-reprogramming debate turns out, her team’s development of a genetically modified axolotl as a model organism for regenerative research is significant.

“We’ve known about this since Aristotelian times, and it’s only now, this week, that a paper gets published telling us what the cellular dynamics are,” said Sánchez Alvarado. “It’s the really early days. This is the first of many discoveries.”


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Creating Freestanding Nanoparticle Films Without Fillers

Site of the day: http://parts.mit.edu/

Nanoparticle films are no longer a delicate matter: Vanderbilt physicists have found a way to make them strong enough so they don’t disintegrate at the slightest touch.

In the last 25 years, ever since scientists figured out how to create nanoparticles – ultrafine particles with diameters less than 100 nanometers – they have come up with a number of different methods to mold them into thin films which have a variety of interesting potential applications ranging from semiconductor fabrication to drug delivery, solid state lighting to flexible television and computer displays.

Until now these films have had a common problem: lack of cohesion. Nanoparticles typically consist of an inorganic core coated with a thin layer of organic molecules. These particles are not very sticky so they don’t form coherent thin films unless they are encapsulated in a polymer coating or mixed with molecules called chemical “cross-linkers” that act like glue to stick the nanoparticles together.

“Adding this extra material can complicate the fabrication of nanoparticle films and make them more expensive. In addition, the added material, usually a polymer, can modify the physical properties that make these films so interesting,” says James Dickerson, assistant professor of physics at Vanderbilt, who headed the research group that created the freestanding nanoparticle films without any additives.

The properties of the new films and the method that the researchers use to create them is described in the article “Sacrificial layer electrophoretic deposition of freestanding multilayered nanoparticle films” published online in the journal Chemical Communications on May 27, 2009.

“Our films are so resilient that we can pick them up with a pair of tweezers and move them around on a surface without tearing,” says Dickerson. “This makes it particularly easy to put them into microelectronic devices, such as computer chips.”

Dickerson considers the most straightforward applications for his films to be in semiconductor manufacturing to aid in the continued miniaturization of digital circuitry and in the production of flexible television and computer screens.

A key component in the transistors in integrated circuits is an insulating layer that separates the gate, which turns current flow on and off, from the channel through which the current flows. Traditionally, semiconductor manufacturers have used silicon dioxide for this purpose. As transistors have shrunk, however, they have been forced to make this layer thinner and thinner until they reached the point where electrons leak through and sap the power from the device. This has led semiconductor manufacturers to retool their process to use “high-k” dielectric materials, such as hafnium oxide, because they have much higher electrical resistance.

“We have made high-k nanoparticle films that could be cheaper and more effective than the high-k materials the manufacturers are currently using,” Dickerson says.

In addition, the physicist argues that the films have properties that make them ideal for flexible television and computer screens. They are very flexible and don’t show any signs of cracking when they are flexed repeatedly. They are also made using a technique called electrophoretic deposition (EPD) that is well suited for creating patterned material and is compatible with fluorescent materials that can form the red, green and blue pixels used in flat panel television screens and computer displays.

EDP is a wet method. Nanoparticles are placed in a solution along with a pair of electrodes. When an electric current is applied, it creates an electrical field in the liquid that attracts the nanoparticles, which coat the electrodes. Using colloids, mixtures with particles 10 to 1,000 times larger than nanoparticles, EDP is widely used to apply coatings to complex metal parts such as automobile bodies, prosthetic devices, appliances and beverage containers. It is only recently that researchers like Dickerson have begun applying the technique to nanoparticles.

“The science of colloidal EDP is well known but the particles are substantially larger than the solvent molecules. Many nanoparticles, however, are about the same size as the solvent molecules, which makes the process considerably more complicated and difficult to control,” Dickerson explains.

To get the method to work, in fact, Dickerson and his colleagues had to invent of new form of EDP, which they call sacrificial layer electrophoretic deposition. They added a spun-cast layer of polymer to the electrodes that serves as a pattern that organizes the nanoparticles as they are deposited. Then, after the deposition process is completed, they dissolve (sacrifice) the polymer layer to free the nanoparticle film.

According to the researchers, films made in this fashion stick together because the electrical field slams the nanoparticles into the film with sufficient force to pack the particles together tightly enough to allow naturally attractive inter-particle forces to bind the particles together.

So far the Dickerson group has used the technique to make films out of two different types of nanoparticles – iron oxide and cadmium selenide – and they believe the technique can be used with a wide variety of other nanoparticles.

“The technique is liberating because you can make these films from the materials you want and use them where you want,” Dickerson says.

The co-authors on the paper are graduate students Saad A. Hasan and Dustin W. Kavich. The research was funded by a grant from Vanderbilt University.

By David F. Salisbury
Published: June 9, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Carbon nanotubes produce smooth nanoribbons

Site of the day: http://www.wired.com/

Researchers at Stanford University have made large quantities of graphene nanoribbons using a new technique that involves "unzipping" multiwalled carbon nanotubes. The ribbons produced have smooth edges and are of high quality, which makes them ideal for use in future nanoelectronics devices.

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) are unique materials that go from being semiconducting to semimetal as their width increases. They could be used in high-performance nanoelectronics devices, such as field-effect transistors. However, before this becomes possible, researchers need to find a way of routinely making large quantities of high-quality nanoribbons with smooth edges and controllable width. This is because even slightly rough ribbon edges can seriously degrade graphene's properties.

Hongjie Dai and colleagues have now invented a new technique that involves tearing open multiwalled carbon nanotubes to produce GNRs with smooth edges, narrow width distribution and high quality – as revealed by Raman spectroscopy imaging and electrical transport measurements. The MWCNTs (which can be considered as rolled-up GNRs) are unzipped by anisotropic argon plasma etching while covered in a polymer film.

Although there are a number of ways to make GNRs, these methods – which rely either on lithographic patterning, chemical vapour deposition or chemical sonication – produce ribbons that are either too rough or too wide, or have large width distributions or low yield.

The ribbons made by Dai's team have straight edges and are less than around 20 nm wide. Their structure can also be controlled and they show good conductivity and field-effect mobility. That's not all: the unzipping process is compatible with semiconductor processing techniques and few-walled CNTs can be used to obtain sub-10 nm GNRs with band gaps that are large enough for room-temperature transistor applications.

"Compared with previous approaches, ours is more controllable and produces narrow GNRs with narrow width distribution, smooth edges and high quality at a reasonable yield," Dai told nanotechweb.org. "And because aligned CNT arrays can be used to make GNR arrays, it should be possible to produce large-scale, well aligned semiconducting GNRs with controlled structures for practical electronics applications."

The work was reported in Nature.

About the author:
Belle Dumé is contributing editor at nanotechweb.org

Monday, April 13, 2009

Robot scientist becomes first machine to discover new scientific knowledge

Site of the day: http://www.scienceblog.com/

Job Swap: This Robot Is the Scientist

"I don't even know why the scientists make them!" exclaims a "Saturday Night Live" character in a skit about rampaging robots. Now she has an answer — at least some scientists make robots to do science.

A science-savvy robot called Adam has successfully developed and tested its first scientific hypothesis, all without human intervention. This hints at a future where robots could spare lab assistants and post-docs some of the drudgery of research.

"We've now demonstrated that Adam can do some novel biology work," said Ross King, a computer scientist and biologist at Aberystwyth University in the UK.

Adam's first achievement involved discovering that certain genes in baker's yeast code for specific enzymes which encourage biochemical reactions in yeast. The robot scientist then ran an experiment with its lab hardware to test its predictions, analyzed the results, rinsed and repeated.

King and researchers at the University of Cambridge first created a computer that could generate hypotheses and perform experiments five years ago. Until now, computers and robots have run the same series of tasks over and over in work such as gene sequencing.

"This is one of the first systems to get [artificial intelligence] to try and control laboratory automation," King told LiveScience. "[Current robots] tend to do one thing or a sequence of things. The complexity of Adam is that it has cycles."

The software that drives Adam's thought process sits on three computers, other than some lesser computer chips which help control Adam's robotic lab hardware. Some of Adam's parts even sit in different buildings.

Adam has cost roughly $1 million to develop so far. Spending the same amount on lab techs would probably yield a more reliable system, King noted. But he added that Adam can investigate a thousand experiments a day, and still keep track of all the results better than humans can.

King's group has also created another robot scientist called Eve. Unlike Adam's focus on basic biology research, Eve is dedicated to screening chemical compounds for new pharmaceutical drugs that could combat diseases such as malaria.

"We made many mistakes and learned from Adam," King said. "Eve is a much cleaner design."
The two robots could work together on some research, provided that humans write the proper programs which allow for robotic cooperation. King's group might turn Adam's attention to genetic research involving C. elegans, a worm and "model organism" commonly used in scientific research.

Full details on Adam appear in the April 3 issue of the journal Science. Another paper in the same issue of Science describes a different computer program developed at Cornell University that can use raw observational data to tease out fundamental laws of physics.

Creating even simple artificial intelligence has proved no easy feat, but King admitted that he started the project expecting an easier time. He pointed to how much money the pharmaceutical industry has already poured into research and development on screening for new drugs.
"I expected the laboratory automation to be more of a solved problem than it is," King said.

By Jeremy Hsu, Livescience.com

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Genetic Discovery May Help People To Regrow Teeth

Site of the day: http://makezine.com/

Geneticists at the University of Rochester said Thursday their discovery could spur work to help adults one day grow new teeth when theirs wear out.

The researchers said people and most other mammals have a gene that prevents additional tooth formation.

When the scientists bred mice that lacked that gene, the rodents developed extra teeth next to their first molars - backups like sharks and other nonmammals grow.

If wondering about shark teeth seems rather wonky, consider: Tooth loss from gum disease is a major problem, and dentures or dental implants are far from perfect treatments.

If scientists knew what triggers a new tooth to grow, it's possible they could switch that early-in-life process on again during adulthood to regenerate teeth.

"It's exciting. We've got a clue what to do," said Dr. Songtao Shi of the University of Southern California School of Dentistry, who said the Rochester discovery will help his research into how to grow a new tooth from scratch.

Also intriguing: All mice born without this gene, called Osr2, had cleft palates severe enough to kill. A better understanding of this gene might play a role in efforts to prevent that birth defect.

From Daily News:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tooth fairy: gene that could give you a set of these without seeing a dentist's chair

Site of the day: http://wired.com/

The days of whining drills and shrieking patients that can make a trip to the dentist an experience to dread may be numbered, according to scientists who claim that they may have found a way to regrow rotting teeth.
Researchers studying tooth development have singled out a gene that controls the growth of enamel, the hard outer layer of teeth, which cannot grow back naturally once it is damaged by tooth decay. The discovery sheds fresh light on the way teeth form and could pave the way for new dental treatments that heal decayed teeth by regenerating a layer of enamel, making traditional drilling and filling obsolete.
Scientists at Oregon State University found the gene after noticing that mice born without it grew teeth with no enamel covering.
Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the body and begins to form when humans are still embryos. Specialised cells called ameloblasts in the tooth bud make enamel by releasing calcium phosphate minerals into a protein "scaffold" that shapes them into tightly packed rods of enamel.
When our teeth are fully formed, they erupt from the gums and the enamel-forming cells die off, making it impossible for our teeth to regrow new enamel later. For most animals this is not a problem, but in humans, the large amount of sugar and starch in our diet is turned into acid by bacteria living on our teeth, which slowly dissolve the enamel to make a hole in the tooth. If untreated, cavities can cause life-threatening infections in the body.
If scientists can perfect a way of regrowing teeth and replacing the drill in the dentist's surgery, it could have important knock-on effects for patients.
In 2005, a survey by researchers at the University of Toronto found that 5% of patients were extremely anxious about visiting the dentist, and half were so afraid that they either cancelled their appointment or failed to show up. By missing appointments, patients risk turning a fairly minor dental problem into a serious risk to their health.
Last year, a poll by the Irish Dental Association found that parents passed on their fear of dentists to their children by telling them they were being brave or had nothing to fear from a visit.
Despite rates of dental cavities falling for the past 30 years, almost half of children and adolescents and more than 55% of adults in the UK are still affected by holes in their teeth.
Paul Sharpe, an expert on tooth development at the Dental Institute at King's College London, said: "If you could find some way of growing ameloblasts that make enamel, you could find a way to repair teeth.
"Any gene like this is worth understanding. The more we learn about it the more we can use the information to make biological models of tooth repair."
Prof Sharpe's own work focuses on using stem cells to regenerate teeth, but he said the introduction of the Human Tissue Act had made it difficult to obtain teeth from patients to do the work.
"We've probably lost a year because we've not been able to get hold of the right cells, and often these are from wisdom teeth that people are choosing to have removed," he said.
In the latest research, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team led by Chrissa Kioussi and Mark Leid bred mice that lacked a gene known as Ctip2. They found that the gene was crucial for the enamel-producing cells to form and work properly.
By understanding the genetics of tooth development, Kioussi said it may be possible to repair damaged enamel and even produce new teeth in the laboratory.
Some groups have already succeeded in growing the soft tissues inside teeth, but they do not have the hard enamel covering needed to withstand chewing and biting.
"Enamel is one of the hardest coatings found in nature. It evolved to give carnivores the tough and long-lasting teeth they needed to survive," said Kioussi. "A lot of work would still be needed to bring this to human applications, but it should work. It could be really cool; a whole new approach to dental health," she said.

by Ian Sample

Sunday, March 22, 2009

LS9, Inc. introduces method to make engineering of bacterial cells faster

Site of the day: http://talk.dnadirect.com/

Rather than changing the genome letter by letter, as most genetic engineering is done, George Church and his colleagues have developed a new technology that can make 50 changes to a bacterial genome nearly simultaneously--an advance that could be used to greatly speed the creation of bacteria that are better at producing drugs, nutrients, or biofuels.
"What once took months now takes days," says Stephen del Cardayré, vice president of research and development at LS9, a biofuels company based in South San Francisco of which Church is a founder. LS9 soon plans to use the technology--called multiplex-automated genomic engineering, or MAGE--to accelerate development of bacterial cells that can produce low-cost renewable fuels and chemicals.
In the traditional stepwise approach to genetic engineering, scientists tinker gene by gene with a cell's metabolic system, attempting to rev up some reactions and dampen others. But this method is slow and unpredictable. A cell's metabolism consists of millions of intricately intertwined reactions, so making a specific change to a gene involved in one reaction may not produce the desired outcome, or may trigger harmful side effects.
Instead, Church and his collaborators attack the genome on a broad scale. They design numerous genetic changes targeting genes throughout the genome, and then implement them all at once, looking for the resulting bacterial strain that can best produce the desired product. "It allows you to make modifications to the genome much more rapidly than the traditional one-step processes we have," says Kristala Jones-Prather, a metabolic engineer at MIT who was not directly involved in the research.
Under the MAGE technology, scientists first generate 50 short strands of DNA, each containing a sequence similar to a gene or gene regulatory sequence in the target bacterial genome, but that has been updated in some way--incorporating a change that might make an enzyme more efficient, or boost production of a particular protein.
The DNA is mixed into a vial of bacteria, which is then put into a custom-made machine designed in Church's lab. In the machine, the mixture is subjected to a precisely choreographed routine of temperature and chemical cycles that encourage the bacterial cells to take up the foreign DNA, swapping it into their genomes in place of the native piece it resembles. The single-stranded pieces of DNA are thought to "fake out the cell's DNA replication machinery, sneaking in and filling a gap" during the replication process, says Church. Each generation of the rapidly reproducing bacteria takes up more of the foreign DNA, ultimately producing a population that has all the desired genetic changes.
As a test run of the device, Church and his team created bacteria that could more efficiently produce lycopene, an antioxidant abundant in tomatoes. They designed DNA strands targeting genes known to be involved in lycopene production, and then monitored multiple tubes of engineered bacteria for production of the bright-red compound. In just three days, they had generated a strain that could produce five times more lycopene, according to findings presented at a conference at Harvard this month. The best lycopene producer had 24 genetic changes--four that completed blocked production of the gene's protein, and 20 that resulted in small or large changes in the expression of that gene.
Church and his collaborators, who ultimately plan on making a commercial version of the device, are now working on creating different types of chemicals, including biofuels and drug precursors.

by Emily Singer


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Single-molecular Switch Advancement

Site of the day: http://www.wired.com

Mechanically controlled binary conductance switching of a single-molecule junction
Preprint of the article is available at:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eduardo Kac

Site of the day: http://mitpress.mit.edu/

Eduardo Kac is an artist and writer who investigates the philosophical and political dimensions of communication processes. Equally concerned with the aesthetic and the social aspects of verbal and nonverbal interaction, in his work Kac examines linguistic systems, dialogic exchanges, and interspecies communication. Kac's pieces, which often link virtual and physical spaces, propose alternative ways of understanding the role of communication phenomena in shaping consensual realities.

Internationally known in the '80s as a pioneer of Holopoetry and Telepresence Art, in the '90s Kac created the new categories of Biotelematics (art in which a biological process is intrinsically connected to digital networks) and Transgenic Art (new art form based on the use of genetic engineering techniques to create unique living beings).

Kac merges multiple media and biological processes to create hybrids from the conventional operations of existing communications systems. Kac first employed telerobotics motivated by a desire to convert electronic space from a medium of representation to a medium for remote agency. He creates pieces in which actions carried out by Internet participants have direct physical manifestation in a remote gallery space. Often relying on the indefinite suspension of closure and the intervention of the participant, his work encourages dialogical interaction and confronts complex issues concerning identity, agency, responsibility, and the very possibility of communication.

In his work Kac deals with issues that range from the mythopoetics of online experience "Uirapuru" to the cultural impact of biotechnology "Genesis"; from the changing condition of memory in the digital age "Time Capsule" to distributed collective agency "Teleporting an Unknown State"; from the problematic notion of the "exotic" "Rara Avis" to the creation of life and evolution "GFP Bunny."

His work has been exhibited widely in the United States, Europe, and South America, in venues such as Exit Art, New York; Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria; InterCommunication Center (ICC), Tokyo; Saint Petersburg Biennial, Russia; Huntington Art Gallery, Austin; and Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta. Kac's works belong to the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection, Chicago; and the Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, among others.

Kac has received numerous grants and awards for his work. In 1995 he received the prestigious Shearwater Foundation Holography Award for his body of work in the medium. In 1998 he received the Leonardo Award for Excellence, in recognition of his body of work in electronic art as well as his editorial work with the journal. In 1999, in the context of the InterCommunication Center Biennale, Tokyo, an international jury gave Kac an award for his telepresence work "Uirapuru," considered one of the best works in the show. In 2000 he received grants and awards from Langlois Foundation, Montreal; Institute for Studies in the Arts, Arizona; and Illinois Arts Council, Chicago.

Kac is a member of the editorial board of the journal Leonardo, published by MIT Press. His anthology New Media Poetry: Poetic Innovation and New Technologies was published in 1996 as a special issue of the journal Visible Language, of which he was a guest editor. The anthology will be published as a book in 2000 by the British publisher Intellect. Writings by Kac on electronic art as well as articles about his work have appeared in several books and periodicals in many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, United Kingdom, and United States. Kac's collected writings on art will be published in 2001 by the University of Michigan Press. Two books document Kac's work with critical texts by North American, European, South American, and Japanese scholars: Teleporting An Unknown State (1998) and Eduardo Kac: Telepresence, Biotelematics, Transgenic Art (2000).

Eduardo Kac is a Ph.D. research fellow at the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in Interactive Arts (CAiiA) at the University of Wales, Newport, United Kingdom. He is an Assistant Professor of Art and Technology at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Eduardo Kac can be contacted at: ekac@artic.edu. His work can be seen at: http://www.ekac.org/. Eduardo Kac is represented by Julia Friedman & Associates, Chicago.

(From http://telematic.walkerart.org/)

Related articles:

Telepresence and Bio Art: Networking Humans, Rabbits and Robots (Studies in Literature and Science) by Eduardo Kac:

'Signs of Life'(book edited by Eduardo Kac):

Site of the author:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Scientists develop revolutionary microchip that uses 30 times less energy

Site of the day: http://www.wired.com/

Leaving your mobile phone charger at home when you go for a two week long vacation may just be the norm one day as scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Rice University, United States, have successfully created a microchip that uses 30 times less electricity while running seven times faster than today's best technology.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Dean Kamen's 'LED Nation'

Site of the day: http://slashdot.org/

Dean Kamen, best known as the inventor of the Segway scooter and a thought-controlled prosthetic arm, has taken a personal interest in reducing energy consumption.
His personal island, off the Connecticut coast, is totally energetically independent.
Other notable invention of Dean Kamen is water purification system named Slingshot.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Genetic Analysis

Here is the story of dude who made it at 23andme:

List of genetic services:

Optical Fiber And Sensors Made From Natural Silk

New optical features of silk were researched by Fiorenzo Omenetto (Tuft University).
"We were looking for new materials for corneal tissue replacement and this led to observations of the optical properties of silk and its ability to replicate optical components with nanopatterned features," says researcher Fiorenzo Omenetto. "The entire system is biodegradable, biocompatible and implantable."
This can be used in sensors that could help monitor patients' progress after surgery or track chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Here is article about it:
And another:
Omenetto's article:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Data Storage Perspective?

Scientists in Stanford University succeeded at writing data in a two-dimensional electron gas.
Nature Nanotechnology article:
SLAC press release:

That's nice.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Singularity University founded by Google and NASA

In my opinion, economics, education and entertainment are as important pieces of modern technology as natural sciences.

Crisis Economics

Here is something, that may be of interest:

Site of the author:

New Technology Blog

Hi, men! Here is new blog devoted to progress of technology in informational age, its backgrounds and perspectives. Hope it'll be of use.